Marks the asteroid given with the event object as expandable and creates two smaller ones, except the asteroid was a smallest one already
Calls the ship to charge laser guns
Creates the specified number of asteroids
Creates the players ship in the center of the canvas
Create a Ufo
Removes all objects marked as expendable from the list of moveables and calls the scorePoint function
Calculates the color for the laser guns, the beams, the hotspot and the meter bar
Checks collisions of all moveable objects and calls their hit-methods accordingly
Creates laser beams and a hotspot when ship dispatched the shoot event.
Starts a projectile when a Ufo dispatched the shoot event from the Ufos position
Map a position on the client (event.clientX / Y) to a position on the canvas
Handles gamestate and calculates when to spawn which objects dependend on the current score and the number of currently moving objects.
Direct the ship towards the position given in the event object
Calls the ship to shoot at the position given with the event object
The main update function!
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Example project demonstrating object oriented design for the course Entwicklung Interaktiver Anwendungen II (EIA2)
Project heavily inspired by Asteroids, the arcade classic created by Atari
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typedoc --tsconfig ../../tsconfig.json
Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl
Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl, Hochschule Furtwangen University, 2020